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Carissa Gobble
Nov 1, 20232 min read
I am not super mom
I am not super mom. I’m embarrassed when my husband brags about how many things I do from directing a homeschool community, to writing,...

Carissa Gobble
Jul 9, 20231 min read
The Magical Moments of Motherhood
Most of the time Motherhood feels like house keeping. “Put that away,” on repeat x100 and keeping up with the latest creative mess. Never...

Carissa Gobble
May 8, 20222 min read
We Are Daughters Before Mothers
Before we are mothers we are daughters. Daughters to our own mothers. We celebrated them today knowing they come in all shapes and sizes...

Carissa Gobble
Mar 24, 20222 min read
3 Year Old says: "We Have to Pray!"
“We have to pray!” 3 year old Simon adamantly demanded today at snack time. I heard him repeat this sentiment probably 4 times before...

Carissa Gobble
Mar 3, 20222 min read
Peace. It fills my heart from a source older than time. It whispers a gentle courage that wasn’t there before. It quiets the rumblings of...

Carissa Gobble
Nov 20, 20212 min read
Parenting In a Divisive Culture
Sometimes motherhood feels like a war. A war with our internal mindsets of did we make the right choice, are we doing enough, are WE...

Carissa Gobble
Sep 18, 20212 min read
Induction Reflection: Baby #4
I’m so grateful my homebirth midwife (who’s been my provider for all 4 babies) was able to follow me into the finish of the pregnancy in...

Carissa Gobble
Mar 5, 20212 min read
Hormonal Mother Rant
This first trimester season has probably been the second hardest physical thing I’ve lived through. Slowly coming out of it but after 6...

Carissa Gobble
Dec 20, 20201 min read
You Plant Seeds In Your Children's Hearts
“I hope they are having a good time,” E said as she helped me cut pieces of tape to wrap presents with. She’d gotten the tails end of a...

Carissa Gobble
Oct 18, 20202 min read
Try Again Tomorrow: Succumbing to Disappointment
Last night I went to bed with every intention of waking up with hope to tackle the day despite the disappointments I was hit with....

Carissa Gobble
Oct 8, 20201 min read
A Waterfall That Cascades Over Doubt
You can rant as much as you want but the truth is still there. It wins your heart every time. You are mine and I am yours. Always have...

Carissa Gobble
Oct 2, 20202 min read
Giving Away Our Energy To Things We Can't Control
How much of your mental and emotional energy do you give to things or people you can’t control? It surprises me still how often and how...

Carissa Gobble
Jun 25, 20201 min read
Being a Daughter
When you get to put down the mother hat, the wife hat, the marketing hat, the director hat, the event coordinator hat, the writer hat and...

Carissa Gobble
May 28, 20202 min read
My Faith: It's Experiential
My faith. It’s not something I talk about online often, much like other hot button topics it’s just a recipe for division and unfruitful...

Carissa Gobble
May 17, 20201 min read
Staying Present...
Learning to stay in the present moment is super hard for me. Like the, smell the oranges, listen to the laughter, hear the crickets, feel...

Carissa Gobble
May 2, 20203 min read
I Eavesdropped In on My Kids Doomsday Description....
I eavesdropped on a doomsday conversation my girls had last night through tears when they heard Dad leave through the front door and...

Carissa Gobble
Mar 26, 20201 min read
Is today READY for YOU?
Something that has made the biggest difference this week is taking time to get ready for the day. I don’t normally take time on what I...

Carissa Gobble
Mar 23, 20201 min read
Stuck At Home & Life Moves On....
Nature continues to move on. Life continues to move on. Seasons continue to change. Kids continue to grow. Flowers bloom. Rain comes. Sun...

Carissa Gobble
Mar 10, 20202 min read
critical, worried, selfish, exhausted, lazy mother??
I think I’ve fostered an orphan mindset in my child to where every special mom interaction with the other siblings breaks their heart......

Carissa Gobble
Jan 31, 20201 min read
Clean up on aisle...2 days ago?
Today’s 60s housewife look is brought to you by clean up cat throw up on aisle well the aisle that was 2 days ago and no one noticed. And...
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